not a chick flick
just saw a film written (screenplay), directed and edited by julian kemp that i can’t help myself talking about. a guy’s story about his 5 unsuccessful romantic encounters making his own conclusion about love at the end. don’t want to give out too much but this is what they laid out at the beginning anyway. at first it was way too visual, graphic design, after effects with less of a story, predictable but it really got better in the last half telling it like it is and getting down to the bottom of it all; relationship; what we’re truly feeling, what we worry about, what we come up with to battle it off...leaving us with a small piece of happy ending. how cute! it can be seen as total cliche but who cares? it’s done well, it’s done better than anything i’ve seen recently. that’s how you make magic. do the same but do it better.
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