netflix price hike

how sad everything or all good things come to an end, a monopoly. as a business that’s the obvious way to go.. keeping it growing, buying up anything and everything that’s in the way, conquering the market or whatever they say in business. it creates this few ginormous corporations (i’m on one now, google > <) making a tiny percentage of people richer than necessary.. no human can possibly need this much excess that’s out there.. squeezing the size of us tiny people even more. i’m taking a small stand and declaring not to participate in this man made economic black hole. whenever i need to put my money on something that comes from a big bear, i’ll think twice and look for other options, small businesses. there’s always a way, things you can do to lessen the effect. lovely night out last nite dj spin diva fiona at bar 13 then upper east side with randy and angela. a place i used to live. i miss it. mel just said he won’t ever go back and won’t be living with me. be on an island or the moon instead.  how could netflix do this to me